Short: RxMUI - MUI GUIs in ARexx macros Author: (Alfonso Ranieri) Uploader: polluks+aminet sdf org (Stefan Haubenthal) Type: util/rexx Version: 42.7 Architecture: m68k-amigaos URL: ARexx needs a GUI library. I like MUI and I made this library to use the MUI system in ARexx macros. RxMUI is SAFE : it means you can make all the kind of horrible things in the macro and at least you get an ARexx error code. RxMUI is "object oriented" as much as ARexx may be: all you create is an object and you communicate to it via methods. RxMUI has a set of internal classes, the basic ones to create a GUI, plus an external classes system: it means RxMUI is easy to expand. RxMUI is FREEWARE.