Short: See anims and alerts on VGA monitors, V2 Author: Martin Gierich ( Uploader: Martin Gierich (uj3w rz uni-karlsruhe de) Type: util/misc Version: 2 Replaces: util/shell/VGApatch.lha Requires: OS2.0+, ECS or AGA chipset Architecture: m68k-amigaos Kurz: Animationen und Alerts auf VGA-Monitoren Price: Free Have you ever noticed, that Eric Schwartz animations using Movieplayer and the system alerts cannot make use of the VGA screenmodes, even if you use a screenmode promotion utility ? So on monitors like the 1942 and the M1438 there will be ugly black spaces between the lines and on VGA monitors you will only see a big mess. PromoteView forces all programs using your preferred screenmode, if they use the View functions of graphics.library. This is the case for intuition screens, for alerts and for most animation players, but usually games and demos will hit the hardware directly and therefore will not work.