Short: QuickDOS is an Amiga library to cache files Author: Alexis WILKE Uploader: T21 netcom com (Stephan SCHAEM) Type: prg/library Architecture: m68k-amigaos QuickDOS© is a public domain production. QuickDOS© is a copyright of Alexis WILKE (c) 1994. Summary Requirements Features About QuickDOS library production Credits Requirements QuickDOS© has been written to work on any system. It has actually been checked on V2.x and V3.x with success. If you encounter any problem on another version of the system, let me know. No other requierements are necessary. Features QuickDOS© can replace AmigaDOS® for some functions: Open(), Close(), Read(), Write(), Seek() and more... The advantage is to work with the complete file in memory and then avoid disk access. Any number of programs can access the same file at the same time. About QuickDOS© library production QuickDOS© library has been created on an idea of Ralph Schimtd which made 'CacheFile.library'. This one has a completly different way to work. You do not need to learn QuickDOS© to know how to use it, it's like AmigaDOS®! Credits Programming Alexis WILKE Assembler BAsm© V1.99 Text Editor CygnusEd© V2.12 Documentation Alexis WILKE Icons Alexis WILKE And a special thanks to the following people which helped me to provide the last touches to lk: Ralph Schmidt lk© is a copyright of Alexis WILKE. All rights reserved. Commodore® is a registered trade mark of Commodore Business Machines. Amiga® is a registered trade mark of Commodore Business Machines. BAsm© is a copyright of Ralph Schmidt. All rights reserved. CynusEd© is a copyright of CynusSoft Software. All rights reserved.