Short: Show console window resolution in chars Author: (bplcon0) Uploader: bplcon0 gmail com (bplcon0) Type: util/cli Version: 1.1 Replaces: util/cli/gcr10.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4 DISCLAIMER: This command and its source code are open source. They are provided "as-is" without any warranty. Use them at your own risk. REQUIREMENTS: Kickstart 2.04+ USAGE: The command displays the Shell/CLI window resolution in chars. Syntax: gcr -L=-LINES/S,-C=COLUMNS/S Examples: > gcr -l 23 > gcr -columns 123 > gcr 123x23 where 122x23 means 122 columns width and 23 lines height (if no args are supplied). HISTORY: V0.1 06.02.2021 - V1.0 15.02.2021 First working version V1.1 18.02.2024 Reworked code. Added command args. Executable size reduced.