Short: Moves exec.library to fastest memory Uploader: d95ta efd lth se (Torbjörn Andersson) Type: util/boot Version: 3.0 Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 1.3 FastExec is meant to be started early in the Startup-Sequence. It will install a resident tag, and during a reboot it will move exec.library from the slow chip memory to fast memory. The new ADDRESS option makes it possible to move it from any memory to the fastest memory in your system. FastExec is public domain. ------------------------------------------------------------ History: 3.0 (29.4.22) · faster rolled Autovec 2.9 (24.8.97) · Made the executable pure and residentable (great for using SYSINFO often). · SYSINFO lists interrupts. · SYSINFO doesn't pass zero arguments for strings to RawDoFmt(), which removes Enforcer hits on KS 1.2/1.3. · Added REMOVE option. · Removed FREEOLD option. Supervisor stack is never freed, everything else is. · Fixed bug in FASTMEM option. 2.8 (8.6.97) · Fixed bug in FASTVBR option. · Added ADDRESS option. · Allocates 8 extra bytes before the resident tag, which is necessary since they can get trashed at boot time. 2.7 (28.5.97) · Doesn't free memory used by things that are moved to fast memory, unless FREEOLD option is used. · SYSINFO lists KickMem and KickTag. · Removed LOCAL option. · ADDMEM didn't accept negative priority. · Doesn't restore old AddMemList()-function. · Better check in AddMemList()-patch of memory to be added compared to whats already added. · Tries to move expansion.library directly in AddMemList()-patch. Only if it hasn't been added, AddLibrary() is patched to do the job. · Uses arp.library/GADS() under KS 1.3. · Cleaned up interrupt patches. Doesn't patch interrupt 7. Works on KS 1.2/1.3. · Removed patches for Exec-functions, they were far away from perfect. ------------------------------------///--------- Torbjörn Andersson /// A1200/030 \/// I love you XX/ - AMIGA