Short: P96 blanker with multiple fading bubbles Author: Matthias Gietzelt Uploader: Matthias Gietzelt Type: util/blank Architecture: m68k-amigaos This little tool is a 25 year old screen blanker for Blanker systems. It shows big colored bubbles, which are fading out. The bubbles can overlap, which leads to very nice visual effects. The tool requires a screen with a size of 320x240 pixels and a depth of 24 bit. Please create such a screen mode, if you haven't already. The screen mode must support a BGRA encoding. For inactivity detection it makes use of the commodity interface of AmigaOS. The time to start can be configured with the tooltype SECONDS_WAIT. The cycles to pop up a new bubble is configured using the tooltype BUBBLE_DELAY, whereas a value of 85 indicates that the old bubble is completely disappeared before a new bubble is drawn. Thus, it is looks more interesting, if you define lower values. My personal favorite is about 20. The tool can also be started using the hotkey defined by CX_POPKEY (default: lcommand l, which is similar to LAmiga+l). To interrupt the screen blanker, you can hit any key or press a mouse button. Requirements: * AmigaOS 3.1 * a working Picasso96 installation * a configured 320x240 screen with 24 bit depth Installation: Just copy the tool to WBStartup. That's it. It needs to be started from Workbench, not from CLI. Currently suppported tooltypes: * SECONDS_WAIT=: wait for x seconds of inactivity (keyboard and mouse will be checked) until the screen blanker starts. Default: 600 * BUBBLE_DELAY=: wait for cycles, before a new bubble appears. Default: 20 * CX_POPKEY hotkey to start the screen blanker