Short: Version 1.13 of front-end for LHA/LZX Author: Uploader: Brian_King software mitel com Type: util/arc Version: 1.13 Replaces: util/arc/LhA-GUI-1.12* Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is version 1.13 of LhA-GUI, and fixes some bugs, as well as providing new features. It provides a font and screen adaptive GUI for both LHA and LZX software, and only uses GadTools. The main improvements over version 1.12 are: 1. Works on OS 2.x now, instead of crashing. 2. Online help for menu-items. 3. Support for Deletion of archive files. 4. LZX support added. 5. AutoExtract AppIcon added. 6. Fixed bugs ( Unfreed memory, duplicate list entries, failure on OS 2.x ). Please read the included AmigaGuide file for more information on LhA-GUI and its author, as well as changes made to this version. LhA-GUI is shareware. Freely distributable via CD, disk, FTP, or any other form. No profit may be made with the distribution of this software, and I must be contacted first before it is included on any cover-disk, or before being used as a front-end for archives on any media-type. LhA-GUI, ©1994-1996 by Brian D. King, Fourth Dimension Software.