Short: Neat make font Author: (Ali Gholami Rudi) Uploader: polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal) Type: text/misc Architecture: ppc-morphos URL: Usage: mktrfn [options] output Options: -a read an AFM file (default) -o read a TTF or an OTF file -s special font -p name override font postscript name -t name set font troff name -f path set font path -r res set device resolution (720) -k kmin specify the minimum amount of kerning (0) -b include glyph bounding boxes -l suppress the ligatures line -n suppress glyph positions -S scrs comma-separated list of scripts to include (list to list) -L langs comma-separated list of languages to include (list to list) -F font font name or index in a font collection (list to list) -w warn about unsupported font features