Short: Gives ASCII texts a cool look Author: (Georg Breitsprecher) Uploader: bali gmx net (Georg Breitsprecher) Type: text/misc Version: 1.0 Architecture: m68k-amigaos Kurz: Gibt ASCII-Texten ein cooles Aussehen c00LTeXT is a program which either gives your documents a very cool look (preferred) or makes them extremely unreadable. Instead of trying to expain it with nobody understanding what I'm waffling about I did a short example of what c00LTeXT is capable of: ©00l7EX7 iS a PR0Gram WHI©h EI7hER GIvES y0uR d0©uMen7s A VeRy ©00l l00k (preFeRREd) 0R mAkes 7hem ex7RemeLy uNrEAdaßle. iNs7eaD 0f 7RyING 70 eXpaiN i7 wI7h N0ß0Dy undErs7andIng wHa7 I'M waffLinG aß0u7 i DID A SH0R7 ExamPLe 0F WhA7 ©00l7EX7 Is ©apaßLE 0F: Interested? So why don't you download it, it's just 12 kB... ;-) cU, Bali =ß-)