Short: Imagine2 CycleOBJ, by Krzysztof Korski Author: ( Krzysztof Korski ) Uploader: szuld ucinvl uci agh edu pl ( Krzysztof Korski ) Type: pix/3dobj Architecture: generic The last version of Armoured Walker had a specific bug. Because of it, it was difficult to make it walking in the right way. One day I received an Email message from a person who had had a lot of problems with the object. I let him know how to create an animation using that object BUT I made up my mind to correct it... .... and now .... : *** Test Animation *** { do it to be sure how it works } 0) Start Imagine 2.0, activate Cycle Editor, load WALKER2.iob 1) Measure its step size using Cycle Editor (1st frame) if you need. 2) Change its view in PERSPective window to have the best glance at it. 3) Do a quickrender animation. 40th frame is the last one. Select: "Animate/Make" in menu bar. 4) Play the animation. Select: "Animate/Play Loop" in menu bar. *** End of Test Animation *** { I hope that all is correct up to now } To save my time and money, because of 2.5 MB RAM and my 68000 Cyberstorm :) there are no math-textures nor IFF-brushmaps. If you want to change its colors, do it as you like but DO NOT change its oryginal shape, please. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walker2.iob is a PostCardWare object. If you like it & use it, send me a colorful postcard from the town you live in to the address given below. If you do it, you'll become a registered owner of Walker2.iob and then I will do my best to give you my helpful hand if you ask me to. If you were a postcard collector add your address below greetings. The Author's address: Krzysztof Korski, ul. Sobieskiego 24/10 31-136 Krakow P O L A N D comments All problems send to: the Author's Email... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------