Short: Imagine object of a rhino Author: Uploader: m-15798 mailbox swipnet se Type: pix/3dobj Architecture: generic This is a Rhino from warhammer 40K, it's a large object 1.2Mb, and it requires a lot of ram to render. I dont know exactly how much but I have 8Mb fast an 2Mb chip and that's not enough. I think it uses around 15Mb when i use GigaMem. About the object: It is highly detailed whith almost every little bolt in it. It uses some iff bruches and a couple of textures. In this package I have removed the dirt texture for faster rendering, but for a nice look you should put it back on if you don't mind waiting. It takes about 1h to render it on my system 030 50MHz and FPU 50MHz, God I would love to have a 060. Feel free to do wathever you like with it, it's completly PD, but if you make any nice renders using the Rhino then feel free to send me a copy of it. And if someone have the power to make an anim where the rhino is rotating around it's own axel, so please do and send me the anim and I would be most grateful. -=: __ _____ ___ __ _____ __ __ _____ _____ ___ __ / / / _ / / | / / / ___// / / // _ // ___// | / / __ / / / // / / /| | / / / / _ / / / // // // /_ / /| | / / / // / / _~ / / / | | / / / _~~// _~~~_// ~_// __/ / / | | / / / // / / // / / / | |/ / ~~/ / ~~/ /~ / /|| / / _ / / | |/ / / ~ / / // / / / | / /~~~ / / / / / ||/ ~~// / | / ~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ I'd bet without mjolnir you're a real wuss!!! flw. for contact: Email: