Short: Initialize Toccata mixer from Kickstart Author: Henryk Richter Uploader: henryk richter gmx net (Henryk Richter) Type: mus/misc Version: 41.2 Architecture: m68k-amigaos Introduction This package contains an AmigaOS helper utility that generates a Kickstart module to initialize the mixer settings for the Macrosystem Toccata sound card while Kickstart boots. This way, Amiga audio passthrough is available early, before HDD based booting takes place. Usage First, use ToccataControl (from the Toccata install disk) to set up the desired mixer settings (typically, by moving the AUX2 slider up). After the settings of ToccataControl are saved, invoke toccatainitgen from CLI. By default, it will write the result as "toccatainit.module". That module can be used/tested with "LoadModule". Typically, a user might want to install the module permanently. A number of expansions offer the ability to flash such modules (e.g. Deneb, FreeWay Pro, BFG9060, ...). Custom Kickstarts might also be an option. Options VERBOSE/S - detailed output of parameters as parsed from ENV:Toccata.regs FILE=OUT/K - output file path, e.g. toccatainitgen FILE=ram:tmod Notes A pre-built module for AUX2 is available in the Examples subdirectory that can be used directly in case that those settings appear satisfactory. Technical Notes The Toccata sound card requires a delay after a chip reset. In order to avoid additional boot delays, the Kickstart module is separated into two phases. First, the reset is issued, after which other modules can initialize. A second later, the actual setup of the registers takes place within a task that shuts itself down when done. History 41.2 - adjusted module priority 41.1 - first beta release