Short: Calc. of Pi and e to many digits (V1.01) Author: (Georg Pfundt) Uploader: gp ict fhg de (Georg Pfundt) Type: misc/sci Version: 1.01 Architecture: m68k-amigaos Kurz: Berechnung von Pi und e (V1.01) This program calculates pi or e to as many digits as you want with the "troepfel" algorithm. This Program refers to an articel in "Spektrum der Wissenschaft", Vol. 12, 1995 (the german issu of "Scientific American"). This package contains a 68000 and 68020 version (no fpu necessary), a description in AmigaGuide format (completely in German, sorry) and the ANSI-C source code (SAS-C 6.55, gcc) (documented in English). Under UNIX with gcc it is selfcompiling, just type: "sh Troepfel.c". Files in this archive: e10000.txt - First 10000 digits of e pi10000.txt - First 10000 digits of pi Troepfel000 - 68000 Executable Troepfel020 - 68020+ Executable - German dokumentation in AmigaGuide-Format Troepfel.c - Source for the main program ETroepfel.c - Source for e-calculation PiTroepfel.c - Source for pi-calculation Troepfel.h - Function declarations of ETroepfel and PiTroepfel SCoptions - SAS-C Compiler options Troepfel.readme - This readme Georg Pfundt (09-JAN-1996)