Short: TAPe UTility Author: Sivvus Uploader: polluks+aminet sdf org (Stefan Haubenthal) Type: misc/emu Version: 1.07 Architecture: ppc-morphos TAPe UTility v1.07 by Sivvus (build:none) Usage: TAPUT command [options] FileIn [FileOut] Commands: add Add a file at the end of the "tap" image if the image does not exist, it will be created extract Extract a block of data to a file fix-0 Remove empty blocks from the image fix-crc Correct the checksum of the selected blocks insert Insert a file at the beginning of the image, with the -s option inserts a file before block n list List image content remove Remove blocks of data from the image (requires -s (|-)) up to 10 blocks can be selected replace Replace the data block with the contents of the file Options: -b Creates a BASIC program header block -h, --help Display this help and exit -n Implies creating a block header, sets a block name -o Implies creating a block header, sets the origin address or the BASIC autostart line number -r, --raw Treats input/output files as raw data, refrains from creating a flag and checksum -s (|-)[,(|-)].. Selects the block numbers and/or block ranges (up to 10) Examples: taput add -o 32768 -n "Block name" file.bin image.tap taput extract -s 2 image.tap file.bin taput fix-0 image.tap taput fix-crc -s 3 image.tap taput insert -s 3 -o 32768 -n "Block name" file.bin image.tap taput list image.tap taput remove -s 1-4,8,12 image.tap taput replace -s 2 file.bin image.tap