Short: GUI interface for MorphOS port of mplayer Author: TDolphin team Uploader: "Rafal Zabdyr" Type: gfx/show Version: 0.11 Replaces: gfx/show/tdmplayergui.lha Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 1.4.0 TD mplayer GUI v0.11 (FREEWARE) (c) TDolphin 2005-2007 code & design: Rafal 'Rafael' Zabdyr TDolphin logo: Lukasz Zabdyr testing/help: Piotr 'Wali7' Waligorski, Marcin 'Stony' Iwaniak, Arkadiusz 'Deez' Nowacki translations/help: Hans-Jörg 'Otti' Ottinger (Deutsch) Victor Gutierrez (Spanish) web: email: ## About: GUI interface for MorphOS release of mplayer (linux movie player). ## Installation: Copy all files/drawers anywhere you want, by installation script or manually. The best place to copy is mplayer directory. Additionally set/change tooltypes. ## Additional Info: If You are using mplayer 1.0+ and want to play DVD/VideoCD, please set "mplayer executable is v1.0+" in settings tab or add tooltype MPLAYERV1. ## TOOLTYPES MPLAYERAPP = mplayer executable file with path FAVORITES = path to favorite movie/media directory FULLSCREEN, FRAMEDROP, NOSOUND, NOSHELL, DONTCLOSEGUI, REMOTECONTROL - if exist then set checkboxes in dilog ADDOPT = initial additional options for mplayer VIDEOPAT = file pattern for video file-requester SUBTITLESPAT = file pattern for subtitles file-requester PLAYLISTSPAT = file pattern for playlist file-requester MPLAYERV1 - sholud be set if mplayer v1+ is selected, then gui launch mplayer in different way than for previous mplayer versions (eg.: v0.91) DVDLANGS = list of languages for DVD (elements separated by |) DVD Audio/Subtiles Languages cycle box (max number of lang-elements in cycle is 32) MAXTRACK = max tracks in cycle box of VideoCD/DVD tracks number (max for this tooltype is 64) MAXCHAPTER = max chapterss in cycle box of DVD chapters number (max for this tooltype is 64) CD_DEVICEU = VideoCD device and unit (eg.: ide.device:1) DVD_DEVICEU = DVD device and unit (eg.: ide.device:1) ASPECTS = list of aspects (elements separated by |) REMOTECONTROL = open remote control when playing TRY_AREXX = "on play" first try to find active mplayer (with arexx port) and send filename (media file) to it by arexx, if there is not any active mplayer run it ## History: v0.11 (25.12.2007) - added Remote Control (launched from GUI), controling mplayer by arexx :) - added check box "try play by arexx" - new tooltypes: REMOTECONTROL, TRY_AREXX - added button play on "playlist editor" window - some other improvements and changes - bug fixes v0.10 (5.11.2007) - added Spanish locales - added playlist support with simple playlist editor - added support for many additional options - new tooltype: PLAYLISTSPAT - fixed load/use/save settings, now after you change settings you have to press use or save button to introduce changes - some other improvements and changes - bug fixes v0.9 (16.07.2007) - added localization support along with Polish and Deutsch locales - added deinterlace combo - added DVD chapter support - chagged ToolType VCD_DEVICE into CD_DEVICE - new tooltype: MAXCHAPTER - some other improvements and changes - bug fixes v0.8 (12.03.2007) - added support for DVD/VCD device:unit - added postprocessing combo/support - added aspect combo/support - added seek time (begin of video) - rewritten tooltypes rountines - new tooltypes: VCD_DEVICEU, DVD_DEVICEU, ASPECTS - some other improvements and changes - bug fixes v0.7 (25.12.2006) - added direct support for VideoCD/DVD/http - added support (DVD/VideoCD) for previous versions of mplayer before v1.0 (eg.: v0.91 ) and for v1.0+ - some changes in GUI - new tooltypes: MPLAYERV1, DVDLANGS, MAXTRACK - some other improvements and changes - bug fixes v0.6 (28.02.2006) - small changes in GUI - new tooltypes: VIDEOPAT, SUBTITLESPAT - some other improvements and changes v0.5 (20.11.2005) - since now, requester to select subtitles starts in last movie drawer - right minimalize icon - added more bubble help - some other improvements v0.4 (30.06.2005) - small redesign of GUI - now checkbox DontCloseGUI works :) - new tooltypes: FAVORITIES, FULLSCREEN, FRAMEDROP, NOSOUND, NOSHELL, DONTCLOSEGUI, ADDOPT - buttons to saving/loading settings (tooltypes) - some other improvements - bug fixes v0.3 (29.04.2005) First Official Release of MorphOS version