Short: Ppaint Annot'd AnimBrush 4 ANIM GIF work Author: A. Paabo Uploader: paabo ptbo igs net Type: gfx/ppaint Architecture: m68k-amigaos PROGRAMS USING THE FILES - Personal Paint from version 7.0 MAIN APPLICATION - Mainly in conjunction with PPaint's SaveAnimGIf.pprx and LoadAnimGif.pprx. But other PPaint rexx scripts can potentially utilize its results. INSTALLATION - Copy 'MakeAnnotAnimbrush.pprx' to PPaint:Rexx DESCRIPTION SHORT: ANIMBRUSH PICKUP FROM AN ANIMATION THAT ANNOTATES THE ANIMBRUSH SO THAT THE TIME DELAY SETTINGS (and copyright annotation) ARE AVAILABLE ON THE ANIMBRUSH FOR USE IN SAVING TO ANIMATED GIFS (and other potential applications) LONG: When Cloanto added Rexx scripts to PPaint7 that provided the ability to save to and load from animated gif format (SaveAnimGif.pprx and LoadAnimGif.pprx) it used the approach of saving from an animbrush (since animated gifs are small). Because the animbrush did not contain information about frame timing, the user who used varying timing in the source animation had to note this timing and manually insert it into the settings window presented. In the latest version (1.4) of SaveAnimGif.pprx, the capacity to automatically apply timing from an animation that is present, is provided, doing the required conversion from the 1/60" timing units of PPaint animation frames to the 1/100" timing units of animated gifs. But this approach requires you do it immediately after picking up an animbrush while the animation is still present, and it still inserts a step in which you have to remember where the animbrush pickup started from, how many you picked up, etc. The ideal situation would be that the animbrush gets annotated in terms of time delays WHEN IT IS CREATED. This PPaint Rexx script does that. It is nothing more than a rectangular animbrush pickup that just happens to annotate the animbrush with the timing of the frames, so that when you run SaveAnimGif.pprx on that animbrush, all the timing information shows up in the subsequent settings window and the source animation needs not be present. In addition to the basic action of adding annotations that SaveAnimGif.pprx can read, I provided the option of saving the timing in the 1/60" units of PPaint since they could be useful too when moving an animbrush back into an animation, for example. Mimicing the animated gif animation, I replaced 'LOOP' loop 'DELAY' delay1 delay2 delay3 etc. with 'PP7PARAM' param 'DELAY' delay1 delay2 delay3 etc. where param is a value for some useful parameter in another PPaint script. This also prevents SaveAnimGif from loading 1/60" timing units by mistake. (untested--I hope it works) USAGE: Usage is straightforward. The animbrush is the same as any regular animbrush, except that it is annotated with timing information that is extractable by Save/LoadAnimGif.pprx. and other potential scripts. In practice you will create a small animation for saving as an animated gif, on a page larger than the animated gif (I do it on a large 800x600 screeen so that the animation appears the same size as it would on a web page on SVGA), and then when it runs fine, use MakeAnnotAnimBrush.pprx to pick it up. Once picked up I can save the annotated animbrush or immediately run SaveAnimGif.pprx and create the animated gif. If the checkbox is on, the SaveAnimGif script will be run immediately after pickup. This is convenient for those who want to get the PPaint animated gif quickly without stopping. NOTES The latest update (1.4) of SaveAnimGif.pprx and LoadAnimGif.pprx can be found in the BIZ/CLOANTO section of Aminet. AUTHOR: -Andres Pbo, Box 478, Apsley, Ont. Canada K0L 1AO. Can-705-656-9387 -email (till April) -see some A. Paabo animated gif work on website (or hilandvu, if highlandview doesn't work yet) -------------------------------nf4!1&Y̌u#T`Oe2ʩKG/&̖vUlxFؐz Ut