Short: ImageFX ARexx-script to make imagemaps... Author: (Sigbjørn Skjæret) Uploader: cisc hedning no (Sigbjørn Skjæret) Version: 1.4 Replaces: gfx/edit/MakeImageMap.lha Architecture: generic MakeImageMap.ifx ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So what's an imagemap? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, you've probably encountered them quite often on the Web, mostly in graphical menues ... You probably remember them as "the-picture-thingie-I- clicked-on-and-got-to-a-nice-page-on"... This program lets you make such imagemaps for your own use... Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * First of all you need ImageFX 2.0 or higher... * Some HTML knowledge. * An imagemap program on your server if you want to use Server Side imagemaps. (Not required for Client Side imagemaps) Some history (gawd, I hate this!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.x: Beta. 1.3: First release on Aminet. 1.4: Added CIRCLE and POLY to Client Side maps. Who made this? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sigbjørn Skjæret (the one and only! ;) ) made these small programs when he was experimenting upon making his own imagemap-server, and needed a simple tool to design the maps... You can reach me at the following address: Sigbjørn Skjæret Brettevillesgt. 24 N-0481 Oslo Norway My E-Mail address is, and you can look at my horrible (it's on the Netscape Hall of Shame ( homepage at