Short: A Great Multitasking Tetris Game With Lot Features! Author: (Petri Airio) Uploader: moilanen ecstacy yok utu fi (Petri Airio) Type: game/think Version: 1.51 Architecture: m68k-amigaos General: ---------- A nice and small multitasking Tetris game that opens it's window to the default publicscreen and adapts it's window size to match current resolution and font used on the screen. Controls/Features: -------------------- On the upper right corner of the window are your game statistics. Speed is measured as lines / minute ie. faster you get lines removed from the pit larger will this value be. On lower right corner is highscore table. While playing if highscore entry you are going to get will be highlighted to different color that you see what position you will get when the game ends. StartL = Start Level and EndL = End level. Move left : j/cursor left/numeric 4 Turn piece : k/cursor up/numeric 5 Move right : l/cursor right/numeric 6 Drop piece : space Accelerate : cursor down/numeric 2 Pause mode : Pause mode can be toggled with a p key. While playing pause mode will be automatically set on if another window is activated. To continue game press p again. Toggle next : help/m (if next piece preview is on, you get 15% less points) Turn toggle : TAB -> Toggles pieces turn mode from anticlockwise to clockwise and back. Default turnmode is anticlockwise. 2. Piece-set : Select other set of pieces. With clockwise turnmode pieces behave exactly as on Zetris! (Requested by Asa and Blasta) Quit : ESC/Window closegadget/ctrl-c to process Abort game : During game/pause pressing ESC or ctrl-c'ing the process will bring the game back to idle mode. Empty scoll : Backspace will empty all texts from the scroller! Usefull if you toggle turn/piece mode many times for example. Hints: -------- To get maxium score, drop pieces as soon as possible and do not use next preview. Also more lines you remove at once more score you'll get. There's a special bonus too: if a line that's removed is horizontally same color you will receive a special bonus. If you don't like the Welcome/Good Bye msg's, give something as a argument to the Petris and they will be skipped. This feature works only when lauched from the shell. Latest version of Petris is always available from my Web server that's running on my A3000. HTTP:// All suggestions are warmly welcome!!!