Short: Amiga port of Dune 2 (OpenDUNE) Author: NovaCoder Uploader: novacoder yahoo co uk Type: game/strat Version: 0.9.024 Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.1.0 Distribution: Aminet Kurz: Portierung von Dune 2 (OpenDUNE) Overview: Amiga 68k port of OpenDUNE. OpenDUNE is an open source re-creation of the popular game "Dune II", originally made by Westwood Studios, and released by Virgin Entertainment. It attempts to re-create the original game and apply modern technology to it to allow it to be run natively on most operating systems. Requirements: 1) An RTG Amiga. 2) 68060 processor or better. 3) 64 MB of RAM. 4) AHI installed and configured (see links section below). 5) CAMD library installed and configured for native MIDI playback (see links section below). 6) A copy of the PC game data files (must be the correct version!). Features: * SDL based port * MIDI support (GM/MT-32) * AHI Sound support * Fullscreen and window mode support Configuration Options: The tooltype 'closewb' can be used to close the Workbench. When running from the Shell you must specify a stack of at least 300,000. The AHI device used will be the one configured in your AHI Prefs (Unit 0). The default game data install directory is 'Games:OpenDUNE/data'. If you decide to use a different game data directory then you'll need to update the 'opendune.ini' file to match. You will need to install the CAMD library if you want to use an external MIDI device. You also need to enable your CAMD MIDI device using the 'opendune.ini' file. The mouse will automatically lock (CTRL+m to unlock when running in a window). Performance Considerations: 1) If you have a Blizzard you should really be using BlizKick, Apollo users should be using RemApollo. 2) Fast File System is actually not, use PFS3 instead. 3) Stick with v4.18 of AHI as the later versions without the 'FAST' modes are slower. 4) Increasing the screen zoom factor will slow down the game. 5) Running in a window with an 8 bit screen mode will be very slow. Limitations: 1) None. Version History: 0.9.001 - Initial release. 0.9.003 - Fixed audio frequency. 0.9.004 - Fixed MT-32 initialization. 0.9.006 - Removed broken HQ scalers. 0.9.010 - Fixed CLOSE_WB tooltype, minor performance increase. 0.9.011 - Fixed broken keyboard mapping (broken in the last release). 0.9.012 - Security questions disabled when running in ehanced mode. 0.9.014 - Recompiled for 060, minor performance increase. 0.9.019 - Fixed mouse capture. 0.9.020 - Updated mouse capture. 0.9.021 - SDL fixes for 8 bit window mode. 0.9.022 - Updated window mode and input capture handling. 0.9.023 - Updated defaults. 0.9.025 - Updated mouse capture hot keys. Links: (OpenDUNE thread on EAB) (Commodore-Amiga Midi Driver) (AHI Audio system) (AHI setup guide) Thanks and acknowledgements: The OpenDUNE team!