Short: Lucas Arts Classics Solutions 1.0 Author: (Nico "Dire" Barbat) Uploader: nb academicus de (Nico "Dire" Barbat) Type: game/hint Architecture: generic LACK - (L)ucas (A)rts (C)lassics (K)omplettlösungen 1.0 Solutions (in German) for the following classic adventure games: Indiana Jones 3 - The Last Crusade Indiana Jones 4 - The Fate of Atlantis (Walkthrough) Indiana Jones 4 - The Fate of Atlantis (Article and Info) Monkey Island 1 Monkey Island 2 Loom Zak McKracken (C) Nico Barbat (Dire/Eremation) 1990-1994. Published as freeware. Use it as you want but don`t sell it.