Short: E-VO: Amiga E Evolution Author: (Darren Coles) Uploader: darren_m_coles yahoo co uk (Darren Coles) Type: dev/e Version: 3.8.1 Replaces: dev/e/evo.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos Distribution: Aminet E-VO Amiga E Compiler is a derivative of the original Amiga E compiler written by Wouter van Oortmerssen. It adds many new features, bug fixes and optimisations including object UNIONs, string merging, non word-aligned objects and many more. Changes in E-VO 3.8.1: - FindModule: add module version 14 support - Showmodule: add module version 14 support - fix legacy compile mode so it doesnt include changes in module version 14 - Fix reaction texteditor tag values in gadgets/texteditor.m E is an object oriented / procedural / unpure functional higher programming language, mainly influenced by languages such as C++, Ada, Lisp etc. It is a general-purpose programming language, and the Amiga implementation is specifically targeted at programming system applications. If you want to assemble this code yourself you should use Asm-One or Vasm. The source is all contained within a single source file and requires no additional resources. The program is released into the public domain for anyone to use however they wish with no restrictions apart from that the program should not be sold for profit. Darren Coles