Short: SAS/C++ Proto->FD->Pragmas convert v37.3 Uploader: schneidr igt baum ethz ch Type: dev/c Architecture: m68k-amigaos ************************************************************************ Proto2FD v37.3 (19.11.1995) FD2Pragma v37.1 (20.11.1995) c1995 Quarz Development / A.H.Schneider - Freeware - ************************************************************************ This is a little tool I wrote when creating a shared library with C++ code using SAS/C++. It simly does what its name tells: convert prototypes to function description entries (.FD) (used to create pragmas for library calls). Creating C code shared libraries with SAS/C++ 6.56 is a pretty easy task. This is not the case for C++! Not only you have to provide all your class declarations AND definitions with '__asm' and '__asm __saveds' keywords as well as a register info for every function arguments. This you could bear. But you also have to create an entry in the function description file (.FD) for EACH of the translated and *name-mangled* C-function of your C++ classes!!! That's where this tiny tool helps out. It just takes a prototype file generated with the SAS/C *GenProto* option (or any other prototype extraction program, like f.e. protoman) as input an creates fast and easy for every function with the keywords '__asm' the desired function description entry into the output file. The command syntax is: proto2fd [outfile] infile: filename of the file containing the prototypes. outfile: filename of the output file (optional). If left out, an appropriate filename with .fd extension will be created from the infile name. For example to create the FD file from 'foo.cpp', say 'foo.fd', the following steps are necessary (assuming the class declaration and definitions contain the '__asm' and '__saveds' keywords as described in the 'SAS/C Library Reference'): 1. First create C translation of 'foo.cpp', > sc CxxOnly foo.cpp ; this will create foo..c 2. then create the prototypes file > sc GenProto foo..c GenProtoParm GenProtoFile=foo.protos 3. and finally create 'foo.fd' > proto2fd foo.protos foo.fd Using smake you can easily automate the 3 steps by adding the following rules and depencies to your makefile: foo.fd: foo.cpp .cpp.fd: sc cxxonly $? sc genproto $*..c genprotoparm genprotofile=$*.protos proto2fd $*.protos $@ There seems to be a problem with the SAS/C/C++ GenProto option as the length of the function names may not be more than 32 chars. Longer function names will be truncated automatically to 32 chars and will not be found later by the linker! Mangled C function names may easily get longer than 32 chars. If you like to use floating point registers (FPx) as parameters for your library function calls, there seems to be a problems with the SAS/C++ 6.56 version of the FD2Pragma tool. (In SAS/C++, you get a compiler error, if you try to use a Ax or Dx register for parameters of floating point type, f.e. 'double'). A replacement for this tool is provided in this distribution archive (See fd2pragma.doc, for more details about this). If you have any problems using this tool or suggestions, please let me know. Alex H. Schneider ************************************************************************ If you know a faster way to do the above things, PLEASE let me know. ************************************************************************ Program History: v37.3 (19.11.1995): . Added ability to use floating point registers (FPx). . Added a replacement for SAS/C++ fd2proto tools for FPx use with FPx registers. v37.2 (12.11.1995): . Fixed to work with other prototype extractors: f.e: ProtoMan . check for '__saveds' key word removed v37.1 (30.10.1995): . First public release ************************************************************************