Short: Alloca() implementation for SAS/C Author: (Stefan Proels) Uploader: proels fmi uni-passau de (Stefan Proels) Type: dev/c Architecture: m68k-amigaos The use of alloca() is quite common for many UNIX applications. If you intend to port such a program using SAS/C you'd have to eliminate all alloca()s as SAS/C doesn't supply this function. There is already another "mostly portable" implementation of alloca(). However, it does not work with SAS/C as it makes assumptions about the compiler's handling of the stack-pointer which are not true for SAS/C. This is where SASalloca comes in. The idea is to (ab)use the _PROLOG() and _EPILOG() hooks used by the profiler. There are no limitations regarding the use of stackextention, setjmp() and longjmp(), etc. In general, all you have to do is to compile your sources with PROFILE enabled and to link them with this alloca implementation. This package is PUBLIC DOMAIN. Source included.