Short: V1.055 of Protracker routine for Blitz2. Author: (Crossbones) Uploader: madgun68 attbi com (Crossbones) Type: dev/blitz Version: 1.055 Replaces: dev/misc/CIATrkrLib.lha Requires: Blitz Basic2 v1.8 or greater. Architecture: m68k-amigaos Newest release of the Cia protracker library, dated 07/02/2002. Changes that I can remember (LONG time between releases!) -Filter state returned after library exits -Bug in load function fixed (when mod needs copying to chipmem) -Lots!! of new commands. The test program isn't included anymore. I don't see the point. I'm including a small program I wrote using the lib as an example of the new commands (you can see where I was taking the lib at one point.)