Short: Use Locale in AmiBlitz Programs Author: Rob Cranley Uploader: robcranley gmail com (Rob Cranley) Type: dev/basic Version: 1.1 Requires: AmiBlitz 3 Architecture: m68k-amigaos BlitzLocale ~~~~~~~~~~~ BlitzLocale is a set of files that makes it easy to use Locale in your AmiBlitz programs. It consists of an include file, a tool for generating AmiBlitz code from a Locale catalog's .cd file, and some examples of usage. Catalogs and .cd files can easily be created using tools like SimpleCat, or a text editor and CatComp if you prefer. I have been using these files for a while for my own projects and thought some other people might also benefit from them. Feel free to use the include and example code in your own projects, but an acknowledgement for my work in your documentation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :) Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ BlitzLocale requires: - OS 3.0+ (Tested on OS4.1) - AmiBlitz 3 Changes In This Version ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.1 (13.07.2017) - Added missing include file to archive - Added support for long strings which were split over 2 lines in some .cd files - Added finished requester to confirm successful completion 1.0 (27.03.2015) - First release