Short: Custom routine to generate random numbers Author: Stefano Maria Regattin ( Uploader: Stefano Maria Regattin (esseemmeerre outlook it) Type: dev/basic Version: Second Requires: Any Classic Amiga (emulated) and Blitz2 or successors Architecture: m68k-amigaos Lord Year 2025, February 13th, Thursday Hello, several night ago I was wonderer about random numbers. I know that a good programming language must have some random command inside, otherwise it is a GUI creator, IMHO. I have found my only answer on IL MIO COMPUTER, an italian collection of books devoted to retro computer I partially have! ;-) On the first book there was an explanation about what are random number and it was explained how they can be generated! :-D The routine inside this program is my first poor try to make a random number generator. :-) I have noticed that the first version of this program never generate the zero (0) result; now I should have solved the problem. It has been made by Blitz Basic 2.1. :-) Try it and let me know! ;-) Am I on the right way? ;-) The source code is almost in italian, sorry! :-( Ciao!