Short: Musicdisk from 68k Inside 2024 Author: Void Uploader: punivoid protonmail com (Puni) Type: demo/sound Version: 1 Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0 Distribution: Aminet ._______ _ __ ___ _____| /__/ __ _ __/ __\ | // \ _)_.___ \ / | |_ / ___ __ _ ______/________/__ '/______//__// / Void presents Feedback #15 68k Inside 2024 Special A music-disk released on May 26th 2024 Code by Strife/Void and Loaderror/Ephidrena Graphics by Powerslave/Void (intro) and Rahow/Rebels (panel) Music from the 68k Inside Music Competition Suez 33 by Chavez is in the Pretracker format and is included in the archive, but it is not present in the pack due to lack of support for the format in the code. Editing and Packing by Puni/Void Editing by Powerslave/Void Requires an Amiga with AGA, 4 MB Fast-RAM and HDD Votesheet for the upcoming issue of Versus is included. Please support the mag by filling it out and returning it to the Versus team. Thanks in advance! :-) Want to contact Void? Powerslave/Void - Puni/Void - Void WHQ -