Short: asp to php converter Author: Mike Kohn Uploader: jocke birging gmail com (Jocke Birging) Type: comm/www Version: 0.76.25 Requires: AmigaOS 4.0 Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 Just an OS4 compile of asp2php. From the homepage: There are no requirements for asp2php. You do not need a web server installed on your system to run this program. This is a stand-alone program that converts text files written in asp/vbscript (soon jscript) into text files written in PHP. Usage: asp2php <-options> -o -dir (input and output files are directories so copy recursively) -mysql -odbc -oracle -sybase -postgres (to select database) -uid -passwd -database -address -dsn -pngs (for converting links to gifs into png) -y2k (if your asp came from non-y2k compliant NT Box) -php3 or -php4 (change extension to .php3 or php4 instead of .php) -toupper (change all variables to uppercase) -tolower (change all variables to lowercase) -html (change links to .htm files to .html) -includes (change #includes to php requires()) -addextension .xxx (filenames with .xxx extension get asp2php translated) -spacer (Space out php code differently) -gif2png (use gif2png instead of ImageMagick [-pngs mode only]) -nomagick (don't convert gif files to png [-pngs mode only]) -global_asa (include global.php in all pages) -fixwinpaths (fix windows paths [ '' becomes '/' ]) -longexternvars (use, for example, instead of Array) -fulltags (asp2php will use will get converted to: in the new php code. License: asp2php now falls under GPL