Short: Access the AminetCD's by a filescroller without adopting Author: Qwert (no e-mail) Uploader: juergen sokrates franken de Type: comm/cnet Version: CDNet v1.0 (24.03.95) Creator v1.01 (26.03.95) Architecture: m68k-amigaos Features: - creates tree and datafile on harddisk - is able to handle "files.bbs" (prefered) and "index" (for older aminet cd's) - can be forced to use index - fast scrolling of dirs/files (up/down) - checks number of lines of userterminal - displays readme-files by one keypress - marks files for "copy to cd-rom tempdir" - displays number and kb of selected files - no need to create the dirs in cnet - no need to adopt files Changes: - Creator v1.01 Creator can be forced to use indexfiles - v1.0 First public release