Short: FileChecker for AMMS - V3.10 - Author: (Ronny Schulz) Uploader: sysop bbrandes in-brb de (Bernd Brandes) Type: comm/bbs Version: 3.10 Architecture: m68k-amigaos After a long period of learning, programming and beta-testing I am proud to present the new version of FileCheck - the best filechecker for AMMS. Version 3.0 is completly rewritten in ANSI-C. It is much more faster and more flexible as the older versions. Here is a small list of some features: - checking files for errors - checking for duplicates / optionally a fast dupe-checker - get file_ids from files - add files - strip files - convert file_ids - remove chars in file_ids - add a line to file_ids - remove lines in file_ids - operations can be disabled - only needed dirs will be checked - many supported filetypes - a lot of options - nice interface - setreturn is directly supported - own outputs can be configured 100% - some operations can be switched off for named users or boards - all filetypes can be switched on/off - ... At the moment three languages/styles for the output-texts are included. If you have designed a new one, I will be pleased when you send it to me. Also included are amigaguide-manuals for the English and the German language. The English guide was translated by Thomas 'Shadow' Knuppe. For more credits read the manual inside the archive.