Short: ignition addon for access xlsx-files Author: A. Pankalla Uploader: achim pankalla kabelmail de Type: biz/spread Version: 0.12 Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.1.0 Distribution: Aminet Kurz: ignition addon fuer XLSX Dateien this is a addon for the ignition beta4 and newer spreadsheet program. with this tool it is possible to read files with the suffix xlsx. this files a created by ms-Excel and maybe other spreadsheets. please read the ReadmeFirst/LiesMichzuerst files in the main directory for further important informations. !!!this addon only works with 4.1FE and ignition!!! For better result, please disable in the src-spreadsheet program the 1000er separator! At the moment ignition has problems with values like this: 1.000,00¤ V0.12 minor update 23-jun-2024 - new fuctions of 1.30 implemented V0.11 minor update 06-dec-2022 - now it handle "empty" marker - corrects two errors in shared formulas-handle - now changes %-values, that ignition handles they correct V0.10 - first public release 03-sep-2022