Short: Workbench Address Book for 2.04+ Author: Uploader: j robbins staffs ac uk Type: biz/dbase Architecture: m68k-amigaos This program was designed to be used on a hard-drive system where access would be almost instant and there for the program can be of the most use. On my 1200 I use TOOLS DAEMON by Nico François, this immensely useful program allows the user to add any operation to the menu bar of Workbench, I highly recommend it when using a hard drive. With this the address book program can be added to it to provide a quick method of access. This program was written using SAS C V6.3 on a A1200 with 6mb of memory. It has been tested on :- A500+ A1200 (with & without Hard Drive or Fast Memory) A4000/40 Any problems or suggestions for improvement please contact me :- JASON ROBBINS 33 Ingestre Road Stafford ST17 4DJ Or E.MAIL