Short: V1.0 Quote and Invoice manage Author: (Stuart Tomlinson) Uploader: casper innocent com (Stuart Tomlinson) Type: biz/dbase Requires: MUIREXX Architecture: m68k-amigaos USAGE: MUIRexx QuoteMan.rexx PORT QuoteMan I wrote this for an A-level Computing project. It's dumped up here for anyone that may ever possibly find a use for it but I doubt it. Final version, in that I never want to see it again :) Yes, there are things that could be fixed, and yes it's a bit pointless. There's a manual somewhere if anyone possibly wanted me to do a hard drive search for it. Oh, and in case your curious, the bastard of an examiner failed me for it, dispite the large amounts of documentation and stuff. Ah well, such is life. DISCLAIMER: If anything goes wrong, tough. Your own fault, your own risk. Freely distributable and modifiable as long as author and copyright notices remain.