Short: PM5-plugin, Show birthdays, on Startup. Author: (Fini 'Warp' Alring) Uploader: fini alring netmedia dk Type: biz/dbase Version: 1.0 Requires: Phonemaster 5.54+, AmigaOs 2.04+, Reqtools.library & RexxReqtools.library. Architecture: m68k-amigaos GiGA Productions Presents Check-Birth-on-Startup for Phonemaster v5.54+ Created by: Fini 'Warp' Alring Mon Apr 14 21:47:34 1997 - Newset version of PM5: v5.57 Just copy the files into their respective dir's. NOTE: This plug-in will be part of the PM5 package by the next release. The complete PM5 package can be found at Aminet: biz/dbase/Phonemaster.lha