Short: MiniSQL defect form editor in ARexx Author: (Steven Solie) Uploader: ssolie home com (Steven Solie) Type: biz/dbase Version: 1.1 Requires: Kickstart 40.68 Architecture: generic MiniSQL 2.0.6 This program is an ARexx script which connects to a MiniSQL database and allows the user to enter data via a form. The form is created using ANSI codes which enable the control of the cursor movement and colours. The script was created to allow for easy data entry of defect data while developing software using a software engineering process. It is expected that you use the ideas in the source code to create your own forms. Feel free to create new programs based on the source code. SQL scripts are provided to create the necessary tables. The database name is 'psp' and must be created prior to running the SQL scripts. A familiarity with MiniSQL is assumed. Feel free to contact me with questions and/or comments. --Steven Solie,,