Short: Database programm with password option Author: Uploader: ub4h rz uni-karlsruhe de Architecture: m68k-amigaos Balingen, 10-12-93 DVC is a database program with many advantages. It features extended search and extract possiblities, on line help as well as password encoded saving. DVC runs under OS 2.0 or higher and comes complete with example masks for address and litarature bases. Printouts are entirely user-defined, but masks for envelope printing and address lists are included. Usage: DVC (h|H|?): for Help DVC [-h helpfile] [-d standardpath] datafile1 datafile2 ... If no helpfile is specified, "DVCHelp" will be used. 'Standardpath' is copied into the path string of each new window. The helpfile is used for online help. Without this file, DVC is still fully operatable. DVC is shareware. In the current version you can only save 40 datasets or less. For a complete version send $15 (25 DM) to the address given below. Further updates will be $8 (10 to 15 DM) I take no responsibility for any damage resulting from the use of this program. You use it entirely at your own risk. However, none of my over 300 addresses have been lost so far and I have used this programm for two years now. NOTE: The "Replace" option has not been implemented yet... My address: Jörg Schuler Böllatmühle 4 72336 Balingen Germany Via E-Mail: