Short: ARexx PlugIns for use with DB database Author: (Karl Mottram) Uploader: dave eclipsnz manawatu gen nz (Dave Dustin) Type: biz/dbase Version: 1.0 Architecture: generic Quick summary of archive contents: - MicroDox.txt - Usage and summary file - XportSumm.rexx - Collects, collates and writes summary data - Trigger.rexx - DB PlugIn : A simple trigger to tag checkboxes - GetClient.rexx - DB PlugIn : Sets DB to start of Client entries - AIClient.rexx - DB PlugIn : Auto-Insert Client name into database - AddDate.rexx - DB PlugIn : Auto-Insert current date into DB field Any others are welcome, and credit will be given where credit is due. Submissions should be mailed directly to me. DB was written by David Ekholm and is about the best, most flexible database program I have seen. (Thanks Dave, I love it!) --- -- - A - -- ---