Short: Free keyfile for AlphaBase Author: Maik Stockmann Uploader: "DJOmre" Type: biz/dbase Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4 After contacting the author about obtaining a keyfile, he graciously informed me that the program is now freeware. He gave me permission to distribute the key freely. Below is the text of the email.    Inbox    Maik Stöckmann Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 7:18 AM To: Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original Hello David!   Thanks for your interest in buying AlphaBase! I'm sorry, that I have to inform you that my "Amiga programmig time" is long ago. But I just have "re-animated" my Amiga today, so I can send you an universal keyfile without any fee. You can give it to other peoples for free, too.   Yours Maik     ----- weitergeleitete Nachricht --------- Subject: Registering Alpha Base for the Amiga Date: Do 27 Mär 2008 06:44:54 CET From: "DJ Omre" Hi Was wondering if you are still taking registrations for this program?  I discovered it on Aminet and I think its a very nice little program.  If possible I would like to buy a keyfile for it.  Thanks, David  Quick Reply To: Maik Stöckmann