Short: Nice address book program. V3 OS required Author: (Lawrence Manning) Uploader: manningl ee port ac uk (Lawrence Manning) Type: biz/dbase Architecture: m68k-amigaos Easy to use (I think so anyway) Address Book program for OS 3.0. Very little system requirements, needs no external libraries and don't use MUI. Features: * Unlimited number of entries. Memory permitting of course. * Field text length limited to 200 characters. Should be enough for everyones' needs. * Configurable printing support. * Font-sensitive GUI. * Tone-dial using Amiga's audio output. * Almost entirely controllable using ARexx scripts. Example scripts included in distribution. * Installs as a commodity. Plus some other things as well. NOTE: Executable file in this archive is the same as before, except for some minor differences. Documentation contained some errors, I have fixed them. This will be the final release of AB that I will put on Aminet. (Probably)