Short: A WB-Startup Tool "Launch Selector" Author: HEINRICH Patrick Uploader: salim sdv fr (Salim GASMI) Type: util/wb Architecture: m68k-amigaos +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | ____________________ __ __ _| | / __________________/ / // / / / |/ /___ ______ ______ ______ ____/ // / ______ ______ ____/ /| /___ // __ // ____// ____// __ // / / __ // __ // __ / | _|__/ // /_/ // __/_ / __/_ / /_/ // /___ / /_/ // __ // /_/ / | /_____// ____//_____//_____//_____//_____//_____//_/ /_//_____/ V 1.4 | / / '96 | /_/ by | | | +----------------- .oO HEINRICH Patrick Oo. ----------------+ -=> \/\/elco/\/\e <=- -=> What's new in this version ??? (1.4 :) V1.3: The CapsLock Option, that allows you,by switching on your CapsLock green (or red ...) Led while booting, to launch your favourite or most useful tool . ( for instance your file manager, taskrunner ;) V1.4: The Skip Option : that one allows you to "swap" da Caps Otion : i.e. if you don't push the Caps key, the first tool will be launched & if the led is on, nothing will happen :) -=> Without HD, I think it's useless ... but it should work ... -=> SpeedLoad is a program made to launch 1 or 2 prog(s) just after your Am!gA has finished its boot, by keeping pressure on a key or on the left mouse button or on the joystick button while loading the WorkBench . After a reset, if you do nothing, it will be like before you installed it . But if you keep pressure, it will load your stuff as usual, but in the end it will load your favourite ( or most used ) tool(s) . -=> Drag it to your WB-Startup -=> MagicWB icons provided -=> Configuration : Tooltypes ( of the icon ( of course !! 8-) ... ) -=> Size : 1800 bytes [ 200 % Asm ;^] -=> Works fine with : Directory Opus ( 4+ & 5+ ) by J. Potter ASM One by T.F.A. -=> Try it ... . , -=> Love it !!!!! |\/| bd "n. -=> Dreamin' is so close ... / _,"n.___.,--x. '\ Y ~~ \ L 7| H l--'~\\ (|| -> Patrick <- H l H |`' H [ H [ ____//,]____//,]___