Short: Use the mousewheel for horiz. movements Author: Thomas Igracki Uploader: Thomas Igracki de Type: util/mouse Version: 1.0 Architecture: ppc-morphos Distribution: Aminet Kurz: Das Mausrad horizontal benutzen With this little tool you are able to use horizontal mouse movements, with your normal vertical mousewheel! Just hold the qualifer when moveing the mousewheel to scroll horizontally in any supported application. Here is a small list of applications which I know has support for horizontal mousewheel movements: - OWB - MultiView - The email viewer in Iris (beta 46) - AMuiDiff You can choose between three qualifer keys: CTRL (which is the default), SHIFT and ALT. For example you can put this commandline into your s:User-Startup script: Run >NIL: c:HorizWheel SHIFT HorizWheel can be aborted by sending a CTRL-C to it: Break `Status com c:HorizWheel` INSTALLATION ============ Just copy HorizWheel to c: USAGE ===== HorizWheel CTRL/S,SHIFT/S,ALT/S,VERBOSE/S WEB === Please visit to checkout my other software and/or make a donation THANKS TO ========= - The MorphOS Team for MorphOS - Leif Salomonsson for ECX - jPV for disclaimer text;) DISCLAIMER ========== This software is made available to you as Freeware and you may use this software in whatever way you wish, but the author accepts no liability for any damage caused to your system or other connected peripherals by using this software.