Short: VoiceShell 1.33. Voice recognition. Author: (Tomi Blinnikka) Uploader: docbliny walrus megabaud fi (Tomi Blinnikka) Type: util/misc Version: 1.33 Architecture: m68k-amigaos VoiceShell is THE voice recognition program for the Amiga computer. It allows you to start a program just by saying the program's name, actually it allows you to control just about everything about your Amiga. VoiceShell is a replacement project for VCLI by Richard Horne. VoiceShell however uses the same library, also by Richard Horne, to recognize the words. A small note to those who have tried either program before and have thought that it doesn't recognise well enough: Don't bother to transfer this file. It still uses the voice.library code by Richard Horne which has been the same for quite awhile.