Short: Configures A3000/A3000T SCSI Controller Author: (Joshua B. Helm) Uploader: jbh9 esc ie lehigh edu (Joshua B Helm) Type: util/misc Version: 1.0 Architecture: m68k-amigaos SCSIPrefsMUI Version 1.0 By Joshua B. Helm (C)1995 Yankee Ingenuity SCSIPrefsMUI is a preferences editor for the A3000 and A3000T build-in SCSI controller (A3091). It allows the user to change the stored configuration of the controller. These settings are read at reset and the controller configures itself accordingly. There are many user-configurable options on the A3091, however Commodore saw fit NOT to include a standard Prefs program to alter these setting with the A3000/A3000T; thus the need for SCSIPrefsMUI! SCSIPrefsMUI is an MUI application and REQUIRES MUI installed on your system.