Short: V1.0, Run programs with VBR at 0. Author: (Andrew Bell) Uploader: andrew ab2000 freeserve co uk (Andrew Bell) Type: util/misc Requires: OS39+ (WB3.0+) and MC68010+ Architecture: m68k-amigaos (Assembly source code is included) 0VBRRun is Copyright © 1998-99 Andrew Bell. 0VBRRun is FREEWARE, if you use it e-mail the author with your suggestions, comments, etc. 0VBRRun is a CLI/Shell based program that requires an MC68010 or better and dos.library version 39 or better. 0VBRRun is a handy program that enables the user to launch programs from shell with the VBR (Vector Base Register) set to zero. This is required because some older demos and games for the MC68000 assume that the VBR is always 0. For example, I use this program for the game F1GP. When the program/game/demo quits (if it quits!) the VBR will be restored to its original address. WARNING: This program is a hack, do use it with ANY programs that work with the VBR! Please note that this program only works with programs that can be launched from the OS and not programs that use custom trackloaders. 0VBRRun does not like programs that detach their seglist from CLI. This is because 0VBRRun waits for the program to finish and such programs fool 0VBRRun into thinking the program has finished, but they are actually still running. A tell-tale sign of programs that do this is when you run them from the Shell (WITHOUT the 'run' command) and the prompt is freed-up ready for you to type more commands in while the program is still running. Such programs have a GUI associated with them, but not all. Do not use 0VBRRun from Workbench, because 0VBRRun ignores the WBMsg. USAGE: 0VBRRun If you're not sure about anything mentioned above, don't use this program. USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK.