Short: AMF,DR2D,DSDR,DXF,CGM,WMF,XFIG DataTypes Author: (Henk Jonas) Uploader: subvcbhd linux zrz tu-berlin de (Henk Jonas) Type: util/dtype Architecture: m68k-amigaos AMF- AmigaMetaFormat Datatype for all other DataTypes for use with _registered_ MetaView (2.1 or better). MetaView avaible at and Aminet:gfx/conv Look there for registration. COPYRIGHT: This datatype are freely distributable. The source based on the bmp.datatype example from David N. Junod. INSTALLATION: Install "amf.datatype" (for all peoples with OS 3.0+): Copy the descriptor (Amiga MetaFile) to "devs:datatypes/" and the datatype (amf.datatype) to "sys:classes/datatypes/". Install "metaview.datatype" (for peoples with registered MetaView and OS 3.0+): Copy the descriptors (Windows MetaFile, DXF, DR2D, DSDR, CGM, XFIG) to "devs:datatypes/" and the datatype (metaview.datatype) to "sys:classes/ datatypes/", verify the path in "env:metaview.prefs" (should created from metaview-install), reboot and try it. BUGS: Maybe there are serious bugs. PREFS: The datatype looks for env:datatypes/amf.prefs. This file can hold options with the following template: WIDTH=xxx Default: 640 HEIGHT=xxx Default: 480 DEPTH=xxx Default: 4 ASPECT=(TRUE/FALSE) Default: TRUE TRANSPARENT=(TRUE/FALSE) Default: FALSE look at MetaView.doc/.guide for explanation. IMPORTENT: I TAKE NO WARRANTLY FOR ANY DAMAGES ON YOUR SYSTEM! Henk (4.10.97) History: 40.0 (4.10.97) - second release - now with free amf.datatype for all peoples - faster metaview.datatype, now converting to AMF and not to ILBM - correct handling of DTM_WRITE etc., thanx to Datatype-Mailing-List - correct handling of filename with SPACEs 39.4 (19.4.97) - first try, first release :-)