Short: Some useful arexx scipts for dopus5 Author: David Gonneau (France) Uploader: elrond club-internet fr Type: util/dopus Architecture: generic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here are some great scripts for Dopus 5. Catalogize.dopus5 : will rename the files of all selected directories ----------------- with the directory name and a number. DMS.dopus5 : will make a 'backup' of disks in DMS format ---------- It will ask you : - the NAME of the backup - the NUMBER of disks to perform with this name - the source driver The DMS files will be named as : NAME(n-NUMBER).DMS example : universe(1-6).DMS etc ... NB :if you choose number = 1 this will make a normal single disk DMS archive without changing the name (i.e : no "(1-1).dms" names) Playmidi.dopus5 : will play a midi song with progress bar display --------------- and abort button. This will need GMplay correctly installed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------