Short: Join files with DirectoryOpus 5.xx. V1.00 Author: H. van der Ree Uploader: H van der Ree Type: util/dopus Version: 1.00 (1-Apr-2001) Requires: DirectoryOpus 5.xx and AREXX. Opt. asyncio.library Architecture: m68k-amigaos These programs work with DirectoryOpus 5.11 and OS 2.x or better. Other versions of DOpus are not tested but should work. There are two versions, DopJoin5 works with DOS I/O and DopJoinAsync5 uses asyncio.library I/O. DopJoinAsync5 is ~20% faster. ===================================================================== HISTORY: 1.00 - 01.04.01 First public version. =====================================================================