Short: Tool to split tracker modules Author: (dissident) Uploader: dissident 68k web de (dissident) Type: util/cli Version: 1.5 Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 1.2.0 Distribution: Aminet Kurz: Werkzeug um Tracker-Module aufzuteilen Required: MC68000+, OCS-chipset+, OS 1.2+ A little CLI/Shell tool to split 31-samples tracker modules into a song-file and a samples-file, so that they can be loaded separately into different memory sections with an assembler. The program generates out of the sourcefile "MOD.filename" the songfile "" and the samples-file "MOD.filename.smps". The filename-prefix "MOD." or "mod." is obligatory. Splitting a module offers the chance to speed up the tracker replay routine on systems with FAST memory, loading the songdata into FAST memory and let the samples remain in CHIP memory. Coding: Dissident