Short: DM: handles DOpus v5 listers. V1.6. Author: Arkadiusz Wahlig Uploader: Arkadiusz Wahlig Type: util/cdity Version: 1.6 Requires: util/cdity/DepthMenu.lha, Directory Opus V5+ Architecture: m68k-amigaos WHAT IS IT? ----------- This is external module for DepthMenu program. After installation listers of Directory Opus 5 will be visible in menu as: "DOpus Lister ()" Where [path] shown shortened path (if name is too long, middle part of it will be replaced by dots), which is displayed in lister. Additionally DOpus listers get new option "Close All Listers" which closes all currently opened listers. Screens/windows of DOpus's Read will be visible in menu as: "DOpus Read () Additionally DOpus reads get new option "Close All Reads" which closes all currently opened reads. Other DOpus's windows will be visible in menu as: "DOpus ()" Thanks to this all opened DOpus windows are placed together in menu which improves legibility of menu in case when we have many windows opened. More info can be found at the home page: