Short: WordWorth 5 Arexx HTML Helper Author: (Rudy Kohut) Uploader: kohutr connexus apana org au (Rudy Kohut) Type: text/dtp Architecture: generic Contents: File called "HTML_Helper.rexx". What it Does: If you want to create Web Pages using WordWorth 5, this script contains almost all the HTML 3.2 tags for insertion into the active page of your text. I have created this to reduce typing, especially on long tags. I have not included tags that are short, like
, that have no end tag or attributes. Installation: This little ARexx script is to be installed in your "WWRexx" drawer and then added to the "Wizard" list. How to Use it: After installation, the file should appear in the Wizard window list. Type a tag, eg
, and leave the cursor at the end of the word. Double click the file "HTML_Helper.rexx" in the Wizard window and the tag will be replaced with, in this example:
, all set for you to edit as needed. This is great for remembering all the potential attributes for a tag! Have fun. Rudy Kohut